gouvernance apprenante et qualité de l'éducation
Is it possible to define our own clusters? More precisely, from a WoS export, I want to illustrate the network of collaborators with a clustering of the countries per continent: Europe, America, Asia, etc.
Thanks for your answer.
Publications on applications of VOSviewer:
Codato, Adriano; Bittencourt, Maiane; Silva, Rodrigo; Perich, Rafael. Uma análise bibliométrica da recepção de Pierre Bourdieu na ciência política [A bibliometric analysis of the reception of Pierre Bourdieu’s work in political science]. Educação e Pesquisa, v. 48, p. e255565, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-4634202248255565por
Sampaio, Rafael; Lycarião, Diógenes; Codato, Adriano; Marioto, Djiovanni; Bittencourt, Maiane; Nichols, Bruno; Sanchez, Cristiane. Mapeamento e reflexões sobre o uso da análise de conteúdo na SciELO-Brasil (2002-2019) [Mapping and reflections on the use of content analysis in SciELO-Brazil (2002-2019)]. New Trends in Qualitative Research, v. 15, p. 1-15, 2022. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.15.2022.e747
Codato, Adriano; Lorencetti, Mariana; Prata, Bruna. Elites políticas e representação: uma investigação da literatura contemporânea sobre políticos profissionais [Political elites and representation: investigating the contemporary literature on professional politicians]. Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais - BIB, v. 1, p. 1-23, 2021. https://bibanpocs.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/120
Codato, Adriano; Silva, Rodrigo; Perich, Rafael; Bittencourt, Maiane; Lorencetti, Mariana. A Scientometric Review of Global Research on Political Elites. Pléyade (Santiago), p. 56-83, 2021. https://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0719-36962021000200056&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en
Codato, Adriano; Madeira, Rafael Machado; Bittencourt, Maiane. Political Science in Latin America: A Scientometric Analysis. Brazilian Political Science Review, v. 14, p. e0007, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1590/1981-3821202000030005
Codato, Adriano; Lorencetti, Mariana; Bittencourt, Maiane. Disseram que eu voltei americanizada: a história temática da Revista de Sociologia e Política [Tu Vuò Fà L’Americano: the thematic history of the Revista de Sociologia e Política]. Revista de Sociologia e Política, v. 28, p. e007, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-987320287607
necesito y espero que sea una herramienta eficiente para mis búsquedas de referencias mi trabajo académico
The impact of board diversity on the bank’s financial performance
Good day VosViewer team,
Thank you for an amazing resource. I use this frequently and have found it extremely hopeful in my own research. I have only used Vos when analysing thousands of articles, whereas my question below relates to the complete opposite issue.
I have been asked to review a manuscript and I have a specific question. In the Vos 2011 Manual, it notes that Vos is particularly helpful for mapping large amounts of items (100 - 200 items). The paper I am reviewing only has 35 articles and a very small number of terms. Is Vos an appropriate tool for such a small number of articles and what are the implications for results when the number of articles is so small?
Thank you!
for research
For Research
In VOSviewer, when we conduct an analysis based on countries, does this refer to the country of the journal, the country of the authors' affiliation, or the country of the organizations? Thank you.
I was looking at your documentation. Web of Science now allows up to 1,000 records per export. Can you please update? Page 30. Thank you.
thank you
Thanks so much for all your work on VOSviewer. I'm working with an .ris file to construct a co-authorship network of 925 citations, I’m interested in visualizing a network of not only authors (.ris tag AU) but also editors (.ris tag A2). Is this possible?
Dear Team Manager
I hope this email will find you well
I am asking your esteemed office to allow me to permit me to
download the app into my computer.
Hello Team,
I'd like to congratulate you on such a tremendous project, I think you guys are doing great work putting this amazing software out there. I'd like to navigate this further but I've encountered a bit of a challenge using your product. After downloading it I tried to launch the app but keep getting the error message "Unable to load Java runtime environment. I downloaded the MacOS version because my laptop is a Macbook Pro 2. Please can you help me to rectify this issue?
I have the same problem. I am unable to use VOSviewer in my laptop which is also a Mac (Apple M1). I have the same error message when trying to open it: "Unable to load Java runtime environment"
I met the same problem. Finally, I fixed it. When you install Java, choose "Java for macOS Intel" even if your mac is M series.
I was encountering the same problem. It works! Thank you very much!
This actuaaly works! THANKS YOU VERY MUCH!
Problem solved. Thank you!
Dear VOSviewer Support Team,
I hope this email finds you well.
I am currently using VOSviewer on my MacBook for analyzing data, but I am encountering an issue with reading CSV files. Specifically, when I upload a Scopus CSV file into VOSviewer, I consistently receive a warning message that says "incorrect use of quotes."
I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue. Could you please provide guidance or suggestions on how to address the problem with CSV file formatting?
Thank you very much for your support.
Best regards,
The impact of tiktok on consumer purchase intention among generation Z in the western province, with special reference to small and medium enterprises
The impact of tiktok on consumer purchase intention among generation Z in the western province, with special reference to small and medium enterprises
Hi, I am now learning how to use VOSviewer for systematic literature review, but I encounter some issues. I download cvs file from Web of Science and remove the funding information already, but when I upload the cvs file on VOSviewer, I received an error message "cannot find author (AF/AU), address (C1), cited reference (CR), author keyword (DE), or Keyword plus (ID) field”.
Could you please help?
sou aluna do doutorado em Ciencias do Ambiente pela UFT
sou aluna do doutorado em Ciencias do Ambiente pela UFT
Hi, I'm helping a researcher with Vosviewer. She wants to get a list in csv of the references with title, author, journal, year etc. of the clusters she has produced. We try, but only succeed in getting out what is visible in the cluster, eg authors, in a text file. Is there a way to get a list of all information about the references in a cluster?
Thanks in advance!
i can t to install software into my computer. Please help me
How to analyze merged data of web of science and Scopus database on VOS Viewer, Finding error on uploading merged data file extracted from R-Biblioshiny.
I just find a great tool for doing journal review
thank you VOSviewer
It seems that there're many youtube informations on how to merge data from WoS and Scopus removing duplicates in bibliometrix to run on biblioshiny. But there's no info. on how to do exact same thing in VOSViewer!!
Can anyone help on this problem? any idea?
thanks in advance.
I tried to upload a RIS file from a library in Scopus. However, I keep getting an error that the file contains an incorrect number of columns. I have no idea how to solve this issue. I hope someone can help?
Citations, bibliographic buttons become inactive when i upload my file for analysis.
Help me
Errer while reading wef of science file ..... (line 1) : Multiple AU fields
How to deal with this issue
I'm trying to open the AIDA booklet, but got this error page instead:
Access Denied
I installed version 1.6.20. Most features are locked and do not function! What should I do?
A good tool but it will be useful in spanish too.
(1) I am using scopus to create a map based on bibliographic data. (2) I have chosen "type of analsysis = Bibliogrpahic coupling", and "unit of analysis = Authors".
Given this, what does "clustering" mean? What is the criteria used to assign an item (an author) to a cluster?
I installed version 1.6.20. Most features are locked and do not function! What should I do?
I am working with the current version of EndNote, which does not support the export of .enw files. It can produce .enl files, .txt or .xml files. Please is it possible to import any of these formats in to VOSViewer.
Many thanks,